Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Valdosta and turning 48

As I wrap up my final days in Valdosta, I realize that I have not posted but once. I also have no pictures as I have really been more obsessed with running and getting in shape than in seeing the sights of this area. Maybe because after Europe, I am kind of unimpressed, altho Valdosta is a nice town and the people at Moody AFB and the community have been great. Today I enter my 49th year on this planet and still have so much to do. My bro Mark is now safely in Bagram, Afghanistan sweating it out serving our country by supporting the troops on the ground there. As a Marine he would much rather be walking a post or rooting out the bad guys but his job is no less important to the mission. Here's his pic taken last summer. Lance Corporal Blake is in Mojave Viper (29 Palms, California) training for two more weeks for deployment to Afghanistan. Remember to pray for our troops and those who support them at this incredible point in history.