Sunday, October 4, 2009

There are these cool red rose shaped barite sandstone rocks, the State Rock, the Cherokee Rose with a very cool legend behind them and they are everywhere in this certain narrow gash through the state. So I went to the gash and spent a good part of the day, but NO ROCKS! Maybe it is just the way that Oklahomans have fun with tourists, then watch 'em through binoculars, looking for "the Cherokee Rose". I guess I will have to just buy a sackful instead of finding my own...what a disappointment. So I followed that up with the Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, then a visit to the Oklahoma City National Memorial, site of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in 1995. After that, I stopped for a glass of wine and a visit with Ann and David. Ann is another consultant who is assigned with me at Vance AFB. Hopefully next weekend I will either go to the Cherokee Heritage Center (3 hours away) or a couple of state parks (1-1/2 hours away).