Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Israel videos

A few new videos are published on youtube by me. These are bout my recent trip to Israel.

about Israel:

and about Bethlehem:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Having it all

Me & Blake at Alexander Spring

After getting back from Germany on August 28th, I had a whirlwind visit with my brother Mark, who the next morning flew out to return to Iraq, his home away from home. Habibi. Then after three weeks visiting with the folks and horse and cat-sitting for my dad, I took off for Florida to visit Andy and the fam, John and the fam, a few friends and enjoy a little RnR on and around the beach. I even managed to work in a weekend with Blake in Orlando for a mere $58 roundtrip airfare. Then it was off to Israel again. It was a different kind of visit this time as I really did not
Pensacola Beach
allow myself much down time and was able to go to some places I never went before, meet new people and revisit some very special people and places. The holiday of Succot (Feast of Tabernacles) was in full swing, so again, it was a unique experience. I got back to Pensacola to recuperate and to vote in this unusual and historic election.  Historic indeed. Now I can watch the election drama unfold and decompress for a couple of weeks before heading to Sicily for a year.  It sounds glamorous and I suppose it is, but being a nomad means sacrificing time with my family, being disconnected from my friends, couch-surfing while having someone else live in my house and borrowing the truck I sold to my dad. Why can’t I just have it all?

Western Wall Plaza - Jerusalem
John & Cayden - Pensacola
Me & Rivka at The Dead Sea