Saturday, July 8, 2017

La Vita Siciliana

Mount Etna
Motta S. Anastasia
Valley of the Temples - Agrigento
Remember when I first started this blog?   Yeah, I had a hard time too but I do recall that when this was all new, I had to write every weekend. After the years of being at home and raising kids and working the 9-5, it was a dramatic shift for me.  Even Ft. Stewart Georgia was exciting, but then came Germany, back to Georgia and then exciting Oklahoma. The next year I went to Washington DC, then England, Hawaii, back to England, Pensacola NAS, and Turkey. Then things started becoming blurry: Japan, Korea, Germany, Netherlands, Okinawa, Italy. Over time the newness of the blogging wore off and in some ways the newness and excitement of the job wore off. Don’t get me wrong.  I love the travel and I love the opportunities this job affords me.  It is just that my life now consists of moving and traveling.  It is what I do. After all, who gets to say, “I think I will fly to Barcelona for the weekend” or “I need some downtime…I’m going to the Amalfi Coast.”  Please don’t get me wrong.  I love my job, I love my opportunity and I do not take any of it for granted. G-d has blessed me with a skill set which I can get paid for and travel at the same time. So it never escapes me how fortunate I am…I just forget to blog about it.  I like writing and I actually keep a journal of things I would not reveal to the world, just yet. It would hurt too many feelings, and in 2017 we all know that hurt feelings can turn into riots and meltdowns, so these thoughts I will keep to myself. Also, I don’t want to seem braggadocious, because although my life for the past 8+ years has been spent traveling, I don’t know what else to compare things to. All that is to say I am updating now with two videos from my recent trips to Rome and Naples and a few pix of my adventures here in Sicily. Oh and I just completed certification to teach English as a foreign language, so I have been doing a little of that too with local Sicilians.  Who knows, maybe next I will be in Morocco or Cambodia…as a teacher?

Catania Market


Summiting Mt. Etna
