Sunday, September 27, 2009

The wind does come sweepin down the plain!

Yes it does get kind of windy. I went out last weekend and dug for Selenite crystals on the Salt Plains. They have a cool horseshoe formed inside and this only occurs in this one spot on earth. I went with a plan to stay a little while but got addicted and rubbed a nasty blister on my palm. Yesterday I went to the Standing Bear Pow-wow with several tribes represented. That was interesting and very cool. I was wowed by the honor they placed on service members. There was an Air Force guy and a Marine who is about to deploy. They honored them greatly. They honored veterans and spent a lot of time focusing on the Flag, Military Service and when they prayed it was to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Go figure. The sunsets are beautiful and the skies are big. I think I will enjoy OK. Next week I am going to OKCity and look forward to that.

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