Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just say no to volcanoes

Since my last post a volcano blew its top in Iceland grounding all air traffic in England for alost a week. I was only left in London for 3 days of that so I took advantage of the unplanned holiday. I met some great people and managed to use my time well with good company (thanks Brenda, Maree and Bill). I wrapped it up and left room for more exploring when I return to England this summer after having to do a little hard time in Hawaii. But for now, I am home again and recuperated. Things to do and a quick trip to Tennessee and I will hit the road again in a few weeks. Here are a few pics of my last days in England. I went to see a play, went to Windsor Castle (again the queen refused to see me), the palace guard wouldn't talk to me, I interpretted the Rosetta Stone, and marveled with people in town at the sight of the first planes as we all stared up in awe. Here's a pic of me outside of my hotel in London...this explains how I got out on one of the first planes. Don't ask

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