Saturday, November 20, 2010

Merhaba (hello) from Turkey

After England, I spent the next several weeks at home in Pensacola. I did get to work at NAS Pensacola for September-October so I was able to stay home and work on my place for a change. Remodeled 2 bathrooms, teaching myself to tile floors, repair sheetrock and buy new bathroom furniture. So between work and home improvement I stayed pretty busy. Now as I write I am in the south of Turkey at Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey. I have been a little slower getting going this time, probably due to having arrived here with a chest cold. There are plenty of things to see and do here so I wont get bored. I have met some Turkish and Kurdish folks, been carpet browsing, but not buying yet, because I want one that will fly. The mosque here is pretty amazing; it's huge and one of the biggest in the Middle East. Today I went hiking with my new friend Ottis and climbed up to the 12th century Snake Castle about 20 miles to the east of Adana; no path, lots of boulders, no guardrails, awesome adventure. Driving in Turkey is a lot of fun. For the most part its pretty civilized, but in town, there are no rules, only suggestions! It hasnt rained here in quite some time but the rumor is that 3-4 days after the Holiday of Sacrifice will rain to clean the blood our of the streets. Holiday ended on Friday, so maybe days will be less brutal and rain will wash the dust out of the air. But I like it here so far. Stay tuned. By the way this meal is a Kebab. minced and spiced lamb meat served on a sword covered with roasted vegetables and chicken, all sitting on top of a large piece of flatbread. mmm-mmmm!

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