Wednesday, December 29, 2010

End of 2010 thoughts

The Best of 2010 includes: Blake coming home from Afghanistan, The Great Stranding in London due to the volcano, Being in DC for Snowmageddon, Swimming in Hawaii with Honu, Seeing “Phantom” at Her Majesty's Theatre, The car accident in Turkey, Easter at Ely Cathedral, The homeless boy in Konya, Seeing both my brothers at the same time, Remodeling my bathrooms. The list could go on, but I'll control myself. WOW what a year it's been! The worst list is pretty small actually, spraining my wrist from falling off a volcano, a stab wound from a Yucca plant and resulting infection, and that’s about it. If anyone remembers more bad stuff just keep it to yourself. I have met some great people in 2010, worked with some great MFLC’s, and made new friends. I hope as 2011 rolls in I can continue to enjoy this lifestyle, but I also hope to rekindle some friendships that have kind of drifted and spend more time with those who mean the most to me. Here are a few of my last pics from Turkey: Cleopatra's Gate, St Paul's well, some of the boys at Easy's place(Aiden, Gengis, Aihan, and Mehmet), and one of me and Blake just taken this week, I think I could do better than this Jack Nicholson smile, but what are ya gonna do. My next post will be from 日本 !

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